has an API that allows you to access your account's information outside of our interface (great for hooking it up to existing HR systems!). All you will need is your API Key from within your 'Settings' screen.

All API requests will have their endpoint as:

GET /getvCards.php

keyRequiredYour API key
formatRequiredAvailable Options: xml, php, json
callbackOptionalThe JSONP callback function

Returns list of vCards for the particluar account specified by key

   <message> API</message>
      <date>2012-09-15 10:11:26</date>
         <title>My vCard</title>
         <organization>Example, Inc.</organization>

GET /getvCard.php

keyRequiredYour API key
formatRequiredAvailable Options: xml, php, json
callbackOptionalThe JSONP callback function
idRequiredThe ID of the vCard to view

Returns the specified vCard in the format you choose

   <message> API</message>
      <date>2012-09-15 10:11:26</date>
         <title>My vCard</title>
         <organization>Example, Inc.</organization>

GET /getStats.php

keyRequiredYour API key
formatRequiredAvailable Options: xml, php, json
callbackOptionalThe JSONP callback function

Exports the aggregate usage statistics for all the vCards within the account associated with key.

  <message> API</message>
    <date>2012-09-29 08:15:42</date>

GET /updatevCard.php

keyRequiredYour API key
formatRequiredAvailable Options: xml, php, json
callbackOptionalThe JSONP callback function
idRequiredThe ID of the vCard to update
xmlRequiredThe data to update the vCrd with. Valid XML only.

Updates the vCard with id with the data inside xml.
This API is only available to Business accounts.

   <message>Update Successful</message>
      <date>2012-09-21 01:29:42</date>

GET /createvCard.php

keyRequiredYour API key
formatRequiredAvailable Options: xml, php, json
callbackOptionalThe JSONP callback function
xmlRequiredThe data to update the vCrd with. Valid XML only.

Creates a new vCard within the account of key with the data inside xml.
This API is only available to Business accounts.

   <message>Created Successful</message>
      <date>2012-09-21 01:29:42</date>

GET /deletevCard.php

keyRequiredYour API key
formatRequiredAvailable Options: xml, php, json
callbackOptionalThe JSONP callback function
idRequiredThe ID of the vCard to delete

Permanently deletes the vCard with the ID of id.
This API is only available to Business accounts.

   <message>Deleted Successful</message>
      <date>2012-09-21 01:29:42</date>