New Features at - January 2013
We've been keeping busy here at trying to achieve perfection. Here are some of the many updates we've made in the last couple of weeks.
Company AutoComplete
If you are a business, more than likely most of your employees have the same company information (street, city, state, website, etc.). The old way, the solution to that was pretty simple... start typing.
Recently, we pushed out AutoComplete for our business accounts to fix this very problem. We now aggregate all the company information from your other vCards and allow you to prefill with that data with a simple click. It wasn't a major problem, but it is just another way how we are constantly innovating for our users.
Reporting Tweaks
Our reporting has always been the defining feature of and it's what has distanced us from the rest so easily. We are constantly making upgrades to the reports you can get and we've recently rolled out a better reporting interface and a CSV export option.
Ask and we shall receive: Feedback
Over the last few days we have been emailing our wonderful account holders asking for any recommendations or features they would like to see added. A few responded, and wow was that useful.
First, we found that our web views were broken when there was a long company name and no image. It flat out looked bad, but now it's corrected.
Secondly, we heard that it was kind of hard to find the URLs needed to properly use your profiles. With this need sharply in our focus, we pounded out a great new notice box at the top of every edit screen that guides you through grabbing the specific URLs or data that you need.